BATDANCE, a 2-day Prince Batman Soundtrack Symposium, will celebrate the 30th anniversary of Prince’s 11th album, The Batman Soundtrack March 29 & 30th at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia....
There’s a common trope that Prince “transcended race” which is a tricky concept, mostly due to the fact that “race” is not something that can be overcome. Today Darling...
There has been an upswing of awareness about the purple one and his relationships with younger women due to recent developments in pop culture. The ladies consider cultural and...
“My life changed when Prince died” that sounds…a little strange right? Why would that even the be case? Why does Prince have any sort of impact on the way...
In this special episode, the Muse ladies continue a series on Prince and race, Planting Flags in the Funk : The Aunties. The roundtable discusses post Purple Rain, Prince...
In this special episode, the Muse ladies begin a series on Prince and race, Planting Flags in the Funk. They start with part one of a roundtable of “aunties”...
The 90’s were a contentious time for The Professor and his fams alike! The ladies get into favorite albums, songs and moments and discuss the controversy around the music...
Darling Nisi chats it up with Marilynn McNair as she shares stories from her time as a secretary in WB’s Black Music department in the 80’s.
The ladies get into why they enjoy Prince and discuss particularly inspiring moments and experiences in watching him work. Note : May not be appropriate for younger ears.
Paisley regular Samantha M and new PodcastJuice contributor Chloe Calvin share lessons and insights gleaned from their mentor, Prince.